I would recommend getting a slightly older cham, young ones are very delicate. It can definatley be done so if you have your heart set on it, go for it

I also recommend getting a male as females can become egg bound and die.
The cage may be a bit big but its a great adult size

Try cup feeding if he has trouble finding his food, I do it with my cham and it makes my life easier lol. Do you have a glass cage? Screen is preferred by far (almost neccesary) and UV light does NOT pass through glass. Glass can also magnify heat so be careful putting the basking spot outside the glass if you have a tank. If it is screen, keep in mind he can climb it and fall of that. Although chams should ALMOST NEVER fall unless there is something very wrong with them so that shouldn't be a huge worry.
Awesome choice of UV, tube UV lights are a must with chams as the compact spiral ones are known to cause blindness resulting in death.
Definaltey a good idea to get one from a breeder, as Chu said, hit up the Fauna Classifeids to check them out first.
Mmm I think I got everything from your post lol. It's too early for a big write up :P
If you want any more info I wrote a larger post on someone else's thread, if you seach 'chameleon' it will be one of the higher hits, or I could link it to you from here.