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Old 08-07-09, 11:17 AM   #1
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2-4 Month Chameleons/Enclosure

Ok, So I am still in the midst of gathering information before I take on a Veiled Chameleon. I have done alot of searching for many breeders who have 2-4 month old veiled Chameleons for sale and I feel it would be far better to purchase one from these breeders (Some of which I have spoke to, and are members of this forum) because they would most likely be properly taken care of in relation to a petsmart/petco which are really the only pet stores around here, and I hate them.

Anyways, I will have a 2'x2'x4' cage to start with, I know its fairly large to start with but I know cham's need a very nice size cage so I opted for this one. Anyways, I dont want to set up vines and plants for a little guy so high up because i feel it will definately put him in danger if he were to fall. Anyways, I figured I could maybe drop the height of the furnishings to that of a 3' cage and I was wondering if anyone has had to accomodate to a bigger cage for a smaller chameleon.

I figured I could set up the basking spot thruogh the side of the cage through the use of clamps and things but its the uvb I am unsure of, its a reptisun 18' 5.0 and its in a hood obviously.. just wondering if anyone has any input in 'rigging' < horrible term - untill the little guy has grown accordingly.
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Old 08-09-09, 12:13 PM   #2
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Re: 2-4 Month Chameleons/Enclosure

My server went down just as I was trying to respond to your other post! Hopefully I can get through this one. I wanted to suggest that you check out all potential breeders from whom you're thinking of buying your cham--even the ones to whom you've spoken--on the Board of Inquiry at FaunaClassifieds Home Page.

The BOI will help ensure you get a seller with a good reputation on whom you can depend for an animal that is healthy and is shipped safely.

You're going about this very wisely---researching first will help you ensure you're able to set up the proper conditions for the animal you purchase and take care of it properly. Good job!
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Old 08-10-09, 08:17 AM   #3
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Re: 2-4 Month Chameleons/Enclosure

I would recommend getting a slightly older cham, young ones are very delicate. It can definatley be done so if you have your heart set on it, go for it I also recommend getting a male as females can become egg bound and die.
The cage may be a bit big but its a great adult sizeTry cup feeding if he has trouble finding his food, I do it with my cham and it makes my life easier lol. Do you have a glass cage? Screen is preferred by far (almost neccesary) and UV light does NOT pass through glass. Glass can also magnify heat so be careful putting the basking spot outside the glass if you have a tank. If it is screen, keep in mind he can climb it and fall of that. Although chams should ALMOST NEVER fall unless there is something very wrong with them so that shouldn't be a huge worry.
Awesome choice of UV, tube UV lights are a must with chams as the compact spiral ones are known to cause blindness resulting in death.
Definaltey a good idea to get one from a breeder, as Chu said, hit up the Fauna Classifeids to check them out first.

Mmm I think I got everything from your post lol. It's too early for a big write up :P
If you want any more info I wrote a larger post on someone else's thread, if you seach 'chameleon' it will be one of the higher hits, or I could link it to you from here.
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Old 08-10-09, 08:20 AM   #4
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Re: 2-4 Month Chameleons/Enclosure
^^ Those are the basics which you may or may not already know.
Why don't you post a picture of the setup you are thinking about using? We can help you out!
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Old 08-11-09, 09:54 AM   #5
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Re: 2-4 Month Chameleons/Enclosure

Ok, Thank you everyone for all of your input!

To touch up on some things that you have posted.
- It is a 2x2x4 SCREEN Cage =) No Glass!
- I will be cup feeding for a short while atleast untill hes grown a bit than I will vary my methods/feeders to accomodate.
- I have spoken to the breeder and am very confident with the research I have done about them that they take great care of there chameleons.

I am pretty well off, I am starting with the 2x2x4 and I have looked into alot of live plants and what it takes to make the enviroment "Safe" for a Chameleon. I feel that I can provide everything he needs without hesitation so this should be successful =)
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Old 08-13-09, 09:00 PM   #6
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Re: 2-4 Month Chameleons/Enclosure

Cool What's your setup going to be like? Which plants are you thinking of using?
I really love chams and I hope you will too
I can recommend an awesome chameleon forum if you are interested.
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Old 08-14-09, 10:37 AM   #7
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Re: 2-4 Month Chameleons/Enclosure

Go for it I am always interested in other forums. I am currently a member of Chameleonforums however =)

I just ordered everything from cage - lighting - supplements. I will get everything by the 18th and start to post pictures of my creation.

I will be buying a Dwarf Umbrella Tree and a Hibiscus to start with, and hanging a golden pothos from the top.

Hang in there, It is coming along!
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Old 08-14-09, 11:01 PM   #8
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Re: 2-4 Month Chameleons/Enclosure

Well LOL you are all set then, ChameleonForums is what I was going to suggest. Some very experienced keepers ther. Good luck!
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Old 08-18-09, 12:05 AM   #9
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Re: 2-4 Month Chameleons/Enclosure

Heh, So im still working on getting everything together. Quite Expensive actually =P Wish I had small donations or something! Ive done pretty well really, Cage along with lighting and a few odds and ends are squared away. Should have the housing setup very soon, SHIPPING takes so long it seems.

Anyways, Just got to wait and see after I set it all up to see when Ill have enough to purchase the Cham =) Untill then, Still researching!
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Old 08-18-09, 06:24 AM   #10
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Re: 2-4 Month Chameleons/Enclosure

Yeah it's pretty expensive to set them up. Haha it's like they are testing you before they are even home.
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Old 08-29-09, 02:58 PM   #11
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Re: 2-4 Month Chameleons/Enclosure

buy a smaller cage or find a way to effectively block off the upper heights ... the cage is mesh so the cham will climb up the mesh so even if the plants arent high your chan can still fall!!!

i used aquariums or 12x18x24 mesh cages until they were big enough for the large enclosure
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