C'mon Mykee...You know you waaaanna
Personally, I think that BHB coming is a good thing (as an attendee). I am more interested in SEEING his stock and talking to him than buying, I will still most likely be buying from CDN vendors unless I see something totally takes the cake. Just because BHB is a big US dealer, doesn't mean his stock is
necessarily better. I think it will encourage more people to come to the show which can in turn provide the CDN vendors with more potential buyers. I also don't think he is coming to try to undercut CDN prices, he needs to cover his own costs etc..plus I am pretty sure he said he would price match. I think it is a great opportunity form those who want to buy US stock to do it, and to talk to a HUGE breeder and wholesaler.
I fully understand the concern and what some people were saying on RC, that is is no longer a 'Canadian Reptile Breeder's expo', being an expo comprised of solely CDN vendors. I'm not totally sure where I sit on this particular issue but Grant has gone above and beyond for us and the hobby so I trust him to do what he sees fit.
Regardless, I am SO damn excited for this expo. I don't care about all the negativity, it's going to be AWESOME.