Brant, Hi! It appears you never got my response to your other thread, so I'm reposting it here.
Overall, you've got a pretty nice set-up for your baby. However, you might want to adjust your temps some more. According to the Western New York Herpetological Society,
They are best kept however at temperatures of 80° to 85° F with a basking temperature of 90° to 95° F. Night temperatures can drop to as low as 75° to 77° F.
Based on that information, your "cool side" temps are too warm; your nighttime temps are a little confusing but if they get down below 70 or even down to 70, it's too cold for a kenyan.
Kenyan Sand Boa Care Sheet and Information - WNYHS for more info.
Do add a humid hide now to assist with shedding. Just get some long-fiber sphagnum moss (not the milled kind used for soil amendment, but the kind that is used for orchids and reptiles). Soak it in water, then squeeze out most of the water, and put it in the hide. That will provide adequate humidity for ensuring a clean shed.
You probably can also switch her to frozen/thawed (F/T) prey pretty easily right now, which will be a lot less expensive for you in the long run as well as safer for your snake.
Good luck! Hope you enjoy the forum!