Corns Not eating
I've had these 2, 1 female and 1 male since they were babies. They are now 4 years old, about 4.5-5' and have always been hardy eaters. They were brumating from the first of Dec to the middle of March.
I waited 8-10 days to offer food with a small rat each. Neither ate. I tried waiting another week or 10 day but the same thing, neither ate.
I put them together for breeding several times and I think they bred.
I finally got 2 live mice and they struck, constricted and ate them. I waited 4 days, thumped 2 more mice and they struck, constricted and ate them.
My question is why will they not eat f/t? That's all I ever fed them till this year.
1.1 Corns, 0.0.1 W/C Black Rat snake, 0.0.1 W/C Rough Green snake, 1.5 Pekin Ducks, 0.1 GSD