IMHO, another snake is one of three things to a snake:
1. A predator to be avoided
2. Prey
3. A potential mate
If the other snake is not a potential mate, then you're left with the first two. If the snakes are of similar size, they'll both be stressed because they're living with another predator. If one is bigger than the other, the small one may become a meal.
In any case, unless you have a male & female of opposite sex, same species (or within the same genera and you're planning a cross), that have been properly prepared & are ready to breed, keeping them together is stressful & not recommended. If they are to be bred, keeping them together for long periods of time is stressful & not recommended.
So, to sum up:
Snakes are not social animals.
Now we have reasons to go with the statements that they should be separated . . . 'nuff said, right?
We should mention the Herpstats by Spyder Robotics--anyone setting up two enclosures for one snake species might want to check into purchasing one of these, as Mykee highly recommends them.