Re: BRB habitat
ya the snake probably doesn't care what is outside of its home. it will probably make the snake feel more comfortable and secure. i have a brb and i use repti-bark it holds humidity for the brb and it releases the humidity slowly and stays moist longer. I would get that. also there is almost no chance of accidental ingestion of the repti bark because it is bigger and heavier. I feel it is much more supperior to aspen and newspaper is the cheap way out but it doesn't stay wet long and my snake started getting some ink on it when i first got it. the white underbelly got a little stained almost. also make sure you watch the temp and humidity in the new tub for the first couple days it is really different from the tank. it will get hotter faster and keep heat better and also keep a lot higher humidity. if you have any questions about the set up i just went through a complete set up and got it as close to perfect as i could it took about 3 months of tweaking to get it fully automated minus the misting. but pm me if you have anymore questions.
"A rattlesnake that doesn't bite teaches you nothing." 
"Make no mistake, your snake does not love you, it tolerates you" 
"Get off my snake, B*tch" 
These make me laugh......Kyle