Re: Nocturnal?
I have a BRB and it somedays stays out during the day after i handle it. and sometimes at night it doesnt come out at all. i'd like to hear what your set up is like. the BRB could not be able to find a spot to get comfortable in. what is the heat one the cold and warm side and also what is the humidity? also there could be outside factors that make it feel more comfortable to roam during the day and something that makes it feel uncomfortable at night. it might also be hungry but usually they come out at night to feed. it could have it's cycles messed up due to where you got it not providing a real day time and night time. usually they get acclimated to a day and night cycle within a few days. it also might just be trying to get used to it's new surroundings. but i would make sure it has a clear 12 hour day and 12 hour night cycle. if you don't have a light for the day i would get one.
im just trying to brainstorm but that is kinda weird.
These are just ideas. i think im one of the only ones on here with a BRB but others should be easily able to give some advice to you also.
"A rattlesnake that doesn't bite teaches you nothing."
"Make no mistake, your snake does not love you, it tolerates you"
"Get off my snake, B*tch"
These make me laugh......Kyle