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Old 08-24-08, 05:54 PM   #1
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somewhat of a bad shed?

my coastal carpet just shed i had the tank at 75%+at the end and gave her a bath everdays as she was ending her shedding and she still managed to have a bad shed? well not that bad no peices stuck on her skin came off in 1 long peice but she has what looks like little hairs comign out of her scales on peices of her body?I put her in a comtainer in her tank with a lid and breathing hole and soak her for 15-20 min 3 days in a row and take her out and give her a good pet to try to loosen them off but i does not seem like it is doing anything?should i be concerned or just wait to next shed and hope for the best? thx dave
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Old 08-25-08, 01:17 AM   #2
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Re: somewhat of a bad shed?

Could it be possible the daily baths stressed her out a bit. Has she had bad sheds before? I am just trying to figure out the reasoning for daily baths.

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Old 08-25-08, 03:42 PM   #3
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Re: somewhat of a bad shed?

na she does not mind the water doesnt seem to like it but she is pretty calm,i hold my snakes 2 much im told and I didnt want her shed to mess up so i would just put her is some water while i had her out not really bathing her just put her in let her move around in the tub for a couple minutes then take her out, and this is the first one since i got her so im not sure but im sure this is her first the breader i got her from is realy good and she looked perfect when i got her and she stays in the in the hot side of the tank all the time in the heat light never goes into the cold side so i fig its best to pull her out the last few days when her eyes were clearing over? is this bad for her or should i just leaver her well alone durring sheds? thx dave
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