Lisa, you should see Zoe Stevens CRB's! They are pretty amazing too!
I'm going to try and line-breed mine for yellow AND pattern, but its going to be a long road. These snakes are sooo similar to BRB's, yet different in many ways. Its hard to explain, but owners of both will quickly realize the differences.
Boidkeeper, its a he, and he's 18 months old and was bought from a guy in Ontario. I have 8 CRB's and I should produce 2-3 litters this year.
Sean, man, they grew on me too! I don't know why. Some people see them as being plain Brazilians, but I don't look at them that way. Often, they have better irridescence, they seem to be more curious, they are more hardy (although I've never nuked a member of either subspecies) and they go through serious ontogenetic changes, even more so than the Brazilians.
Thanks all, for looking, and commenting!
Here's a pair that I got from Darren Hamill this summer. Both are in sheds, sorry!