Originally Posted by cenobite74
Is it even possible? I have a gorgeous normal. Her 1st Bday is this Saturday! I got her 2 days after after she hatched. She currently weighs 1361 grams and is about 3 feet in length. My question is is this normal cuz it seems kind of quick to me? She isnt even a year old yet!!! She is a varacious feeder and gets feed once a week. I only increase the size of the rodent when I cant see a bulge after she eats. Nothing drastic just up to the next size. She is currently on F/T med rats. NEVER has turned down a meal or regurged. Any thoughts would be greatly appreciated.
Hey, I think it sounds GREAT! I dont know if its possible to over feed them or not... the rule of thumb with BP's is width of a soda can... so if she gets fatter than that... you might see a vet... otherwise, no worries.