Linds had mentioned that she can't wait to see her <i>E. subflavus</i> undergo their color change so I thought I'd post some older pic's of ours. These pic's are about 4 or 5 months old I believe but they can give a good example of how much these Boas realy change.
<img src="http://hamillreptiles.com/picbig/Forum_Classifieds_Pics/DSCN0532.jpg">
This is a slightly blurry picture of one of our males. I have found that males tend to grow slower than females. Both of our males have also retained more of their Orangish color.
<img src="http://hamillreptiles.com/picbig/Forum_Classifieds_Pics/DSCN0534.jpg">
As you can tell from this shy female, she has lost most of her coloration.
<img src="http://hamillreptiles.com/picbig/E.subflavus/DSCN0275.jpg">
Heres another good example of how our males have kept their color.
<img src="http://hamillreptiles.com/picbig/E.subflavus/DSCN0438.jpg">
Another female pic.
These are just a few examples of what happens during the color change. I realy should take the time to update some of the Jamaican pic's. I'll try to do so first chance I get.
Thanks again,
Darren Hamill
(P.S. Jeff S. I'm really starting to like the format of these forums, great job.)