They actually don't smell. There is an absolutely wonderful forum :: Index they also have a link for an awesome caresheet at the top. If you just need a quick run down of what you'll need, here you go:
a tank that provides 10 gallons of space per inch of shell (measured from the back of the neck to the top of the tail w/o the curve)
a filter that is rated at least 2x the tank size, preferably three
a submersible water heater
a basking dock that the turtle can easily get on, and be completely out of the water (zoomed's basking docks are awesome)
a UVA light and a UVB light (uva is a common house bulb, it provides heat, UVB is a special bulb, make sure it says UVB on the package or it doesn't have it)
a timer for the lights
a tank stand
food: either reptomin, mazuri (i think that's how it's spelled), wardley's is also good... plus a wide variety of vegetables and/or aquatic plants
DO NOT PUT GRAVEL IN THE TANK, they will swallow it get impacted and could die from it. they don't need a subtrate (it makes it harder to clean and takes up swimming space) but if you must have one get large river rocks, you can get them at lowes or home depot for like 5 bucks
you don't need a screen top because they filter out the UV light, but if you are going to fill up the tank at least 3/4 full (which you should) you'll something to cover the top of the tank so the turt can't get out. They can very easily stand on their back legs and vertically pull themselves out of the tank
fake plants, they need this for hiding, sleeping, and playing... plus it looks nice
a cave or log of some sort, make sure they can't get stuck in the holes.
That's all I can think of right now... good luck. If you have a question, the forum is great or you can PM me.