The Sept MRBE is just 5 short weeks away!
Saturday, September 29th
10am - 5pm
VIP access at 9am
Dakota Community Centre
1188 Dakota Street
Adult Admission: $5
Kids 12 and under: FREE
Tables: $50 each
Here is the promotional poster:
We will update the vendor list on the poster once a few more sign on. But this is the list we had at the time of printing.
I will be making another promo video but as with the poster, it can only include the vendors confirmed at the time I am making it. So sign up
SOON if you want to be included!
Here is the list of confirmed vendors as of right now. There are plenty more to be confirmed in the coming days and weeks.
Winnipeg Reptiles
Cranwill's Captive Bred Snakes
M & B Reptiles
The Manitoba Herpetocultural Society
Pets 101
Hanney's Corns
Aardvark Pets
Westman Reptile Gardens
Exclusive Dragons
The Reptile Connection
If your name should be on this list, please contact
Marc Delorme.
As always, visit Manitoba Reptile Breeder's Expo for more information.