Re: getting a baby garter snake soon-QUESTIONS
Sounds to me like you are waiting to find one in the wild & take it home as a pet or get one from your friend maybe? Wild caught garters do not make good pets, specially babies. Captive bred garters are not easy to take care of either, they are not a begginer species. Judging by your questions you have no where near enough experience to properly care for a garter snake. You do not fed snakes daily & force feeding is something a breeder would do as an absolute last resort to keep a baby alive until it can be established properly on proper food. You do not force feed snakes DAILY! Snakes even babies eat weekly. I would suggest getting a captive bred "established" (that means they are feeding readily on their own of FT thats frozen thawed prey) snake from a breeder. I would suggest a cornsnake for starters as they are good for begginers & tend to thrive well. An unestablished baby garter is most likely just going to die either from starvation or from stress, specially if being continually force fed. Garters requirements are not always easily met & can be a tricky species even for an experienced snake keeper, they are not for begginers. Sorry to rant, but thats the reality of it, Mark
P.S. yes I have tons of snake experience having kept literally 1,000's & breed every year.
Mark's GONE SNAKEE! working with select Colubrids (Corns, GB Kings, EIs) and Woma Pythons
All stock parasite free and established on F/T prey. No PMs please email at