first has it shed yet? because u dont want to feed it untill after its first shed. next leave it alone for about 1 week once you have brought it home & have it set up in its "cage". then try to get it feeding on rats that way when it is an adult it will be cheaper to feed it one rat then 3-4 mice. its firt meal sould be proably be rat pinky size. try feeding it at night that is when i find you will get a better responce from babys. if you need to u can also sent the first meal or 2 with a mouse to get the snake more intreasted in it.
hope this helps
:firestart 1.10 Ball pythons, 1.2 Het Albino Ball pythons, 1.1 Pastel Ball python, 1.1 Brazilian Rainbow Boas, 3.6 Crested Geckos, 2.2 Gargoyle Geckos, 3 Box Turtles, 1.0 Wolf x Malamute :firestart