Mine didn't become gravid till she was 3 or 4. Who told you she was gravid? Does she live with a mate? She may be an early blumer. It is possible. Becareful, watch her, dont stress her. If she is only 16 inches you will probably get a small litter. Also, Mama Dune had 13 when she was 3 or 4 then the next year she showed signs of being gravid (large belly, laying under the light) but then they were gone, they can reabsorb unfertilized embryos. She produces the eggs but like people they don't always become fertilized.
1.2.0 Anery Kenyan Sand Boa (Tiger, Dune, Adrianna)
0.1.0 Snow Kenyan Sand Boa (Snow B1tch)
1.0.0 Albino Kenyan Sand Boa (Buster)
2.0.0 Kenyan Sand Boa (Zak, Rocky)
0.0.1 Brazilian Rainbow Boa