I personally stay away from glass caging for arboreals, they have problems keeping temp and humidity properly as well a poor cross ventilation. Check out Vision 222, Cool Criiters 30" cages, Boaphile 30" cages or B.A.R.R.S. 30" caging. Basically at least 28x24x24.
As far as houseing 2 snakes together, never 2 males and only 1 male and 1 female if you intend to breed. After breeding seperate. Otherwise always seperate individual snakes into their own housing. It reduces stress and makes record keeping easier(food, shed, defecation, etc.).
1.2 Suriname ETB, 0.1 Jayapura GTP, 1.0 Biak GTP, 6.5 Ball Python (multiple morphs), 0.1 Citris X Hypo Orange Bearded Dragon