help with hognose!!!
Hey guys I cant get my baby hognose to eat. Problem is the breeder i got him from fed him live and i feed my snakes frozen, i have tried braining and no luck. I have never had to force feed before with my snakes but now im ready to try...can someone walk me through it, thanks.
1.0 Okeetee Corn, Oak
0.1 Pink/Green Snow Corn, Charlotte
0.1 lanvender corn, jasmine
1.0 Western Hognose, ???
0.1 Irian Jaya Carpet Python, Cleopatra
1.0 Childrens Python, Hades
1.1 Ball Pythons, Venus, Berrecloth
1.0 calking desert phase, kona
1.0 High Yellow Bearded Dragon, Bruce Lee
1.1 leopard gecko's, hunter, angelina