I recently acquired a 6 month old ball, and was a bit concerned about switching him over to F/T, but all i did was fresh kill his prey, then wiggle it around in front of his face. Next time i gave him F/T and he took it no prob, just had to make sure it had been in very warm water to mimic the temp of a live animal. I originally used this technique with 3 of my 4 other snakes and it worked as well. To kill a rodent, you can either whack it's head quickly on the side of a counter, or hold them down and lay a pencil or similar item across the back of their neck, then in one quick motion push the pencil down with both thumbs and break the neck. Just keep in mind that the rodent will urinate quite a bit as they die so do it on something that will absorb it all. I know it sounds gruesome, and i must admit i hate having to fresh kill anything, but if it all works out and he gets switched over you will save many a mouse and rat a gruesome death in the future...