There are many good beginner snakes. Most kings and milks are very easy, though the hatchlings of some of the smaller species are occasionally a little hard to start, and may be musky in the beginning. Getula are excellent, hardy, and attractive snakes. My favorite subspecies are the Sonora Blacks, Cal Kings, and Speckled Kings. Of those three, the Cal Kings get the largest. Eastern "Chain" kings are also often available. IMO the easiest milks are the Sinaloans, which are big and hardy, and in my experience, less shy than some other milks. I am also a really big fan of mole kings. Corn snakes, in a differenct genus, are also excellent starters, probably the most common beginner snake. If you want boids, Kenyan Sand Boas are easy and docile, along with the Antaresia pythons. A lot of people suggest the ball python, but I think that they are a bit more finicky and their habit of fasting can be frustrating to a new owner. They are also shy and hide often, so they don't make very good display snakes. If you want a larger snake, and really feel that you can make a commitment to a larger animal, Boa Constrictors are wonderful snakes, and are usually quite docile as adults, provided that you give them some attention. Baby BCs are sometimes nippy, but they tend to grow out of it. Hope this gives you some ideas.