I just hold them by the tail and smack them at the base of the skull with a metal rod like a snake hook, braking their neck, Then they just twitch for a bit then die.
3.13.3res, 0.1yellow belly slider 1.0yellow belly cooter 1.0russian tortise 1.1banana calking 0.1jungle corn 1.0desert king corns:adult male true albino, adult male blizzard, 2 male baby snow, baby female flourescent. Male ball 5 feet!!! female veiled 1.1beardie, flame rose hair tarantula, 2 cats Sabian and Princess, Salt water tank-2 yellow tail damsel, 1 tomatoe clown, 1 3-bar damsel, 1 Yellow Tang, fresh water tank 5 female bates, zig-zag eel, pleco. :medskelet