Thanx brother!!!! They actually aren't any more work. They eat 2x per week instead of one, so that's a bit more effort. Plus they poop alot more, but their humidity requirements are LOW so they can be kept on beta chip (aspen), which makes spot cleaning a SNAP. I would say that a rack of 10 adults would take about 20 minutes per day to keep care of.
3 males, 7 females, 10+ clutches per year easily (they double clutch rather effortlessly). 8 eggs per clutch average, so that's 80 babies. Even if they were normals that weren't het for anything, you could wholesale them for $100 each. $8K for like 3 hours work a week. Scary eh?
Thanks for the kind words dood! Look up Jamie. He posts here and has Hondos as well. He lives close to you I think.