Help- Mole King
Need help getting my (personally) wc mole kingsnake to eat. he has ate one skink and a mouse so far within my care but has had recent trouble being converted over to being a mouse eater. if i can't change him over to mice from herps should i just start feeding him herps to keep his weight up? or still just keep trying to get him on mice? Mice are just fury burgers (for the snakes :mednormal )as far as I am concerned but feeding him herps like wc skinks and petstore anoles may just have to be the answer.... i'm going to try and feed him a frog tonite wish me luck.......all advice is welcome
Male BP - Loki
1 Albino Corn
Leopard Geckos (Isis) (Ceasar)
Mole Kingsnake - Shadow
Veiled Chameleon - Yoshi