For starters I'm new to snakes so this is going to be my first one (I'm planning on getting a ball python).
My plan is to get a cage and all accessories, get everything ready and make sure the temperature/humidity situation is working properly and then get the snake and put it in the cage.
I'm looking at this cage :
My question is mostly about how to heat the tank properly. What I want to do is have a system that maintains daytime temps of around 92 F and 82 F at opposite end of the cage and automatically drops the temps to around 75 F at night (are these good temps?).
I'm guessing I'll need two heating devices on opposite ends of the cage, and under tank heater and a ceramic heating bulb. I also plan on using a fluorescent light during the day by the way.
What kind of devices do I need to achieve this? Basically I want a system that I don't have to mess with everyday, that automatically sets both heaters at the desired temps during the day and automatically drops the temps down at night.
Any suggestions?
ps I also looked at boaphile cages as they also have options to add all of the heating/lighting elements but it sounds like it takes a long time (3-5 weeks) for them to build and ship your order - any comments on those cages?