I have only kept 1 of these about 6 years ago, but i have delt with apx 15 of them or so, I work in a petstore, you see the thing with these guys is that most of them are imported, and therfore have never eaten a rodent, well possobly, any ways any troubled eater that i have delt with almost always take green treefrogs, or small lizards, but then theres always the risk of parasites, so..... but this is there more natural food, they also love birds and bats, and have been known to catch them in mid air while sleeping, which i think is really cool... one other thing that i have done that has worked was making a mouse smell like a frog or lizard, either by rubbing or by the phermone scent drops, i cant remember the brand right now, im pretty tired, possibly zoomed lizardmaker or somthing like that.... ill look into it tommorow when im awake..... then just dangle it with long tongs.... how long have u had the snake? has he eatin before? and have you tried different items? they will almost always eat a frog that jumps accross their terrium and it is so cool when it grabs it!!!!
I love these guys i plan on getting a trio soon... and man iv been bitten by these guys more than any other snake, i love their attitude..... i hope everything works out for you
3.13.3res, 0.1yellow belly slider 1.0yellow belly cooter 1.0russian tortise 1.1banana calking 0.1jungle corn 1.0desert king corns:adult male true albino, adult male blizzard, 2 male baby snow, baby female flourescent. Male ball 5 feet!!! female veiled 1.1beardie, flame rose hair tarantula, 2 cats Sabian and Princess, Salt water tank-2 yellow tail damsel, 1 tomatoe clown, 1 3-bar damsel, 1 Yellow Tang, fresh water tank 5 female bates, zig-zag eel, pleco. :medskelet