There is no fixed time period before you acquire any snake Jeremy.
A Bcc (the true Redtail) can become a very big snake, say up to 10 feet, they will also need to eat bigger meals than most other Boas, eating such meals as rabbits; and of course they require larger enclosures.
A Bci, which I suspect is the snake you have seen, is also capable of becoming quite large, although there are some smaller Bcis such as the Hog Island Boa which you should also consider.
Generally speaking, by the time you are 15 a common Bci, bought now, may have grown to be 6 or 8 feet long, possibly longer. Are you capable of handling such a large snake, even a friendly one?
A Hog Island Boa, though technically still a Bci, can be a little more expensive, but will often stay under 6 feet long. This is a snake you may become interested in.
Look at Dumerils Boas, another excellent snake. It grows to about the same size as a Bci and is generally another docile boa species, and very beautiful too.
Jeremy read as much as you can on the many Boa sites. Try to attend reptile shows in your area. They can be very interesting, and you will also get to see to see some of the many different varieties of Boas that are available, and ask lots of questions. Most breeders will be delighted to answer your questions.
If your family approve of you owning a large snake, (remember ther are also others to consider), you will know when you are ready to acquire one.
They can be lots of fun, hard work at times, but still fun; but remember to do your homework (research) first.
Good Luck!