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Last summer I saw several black rat snakes and even had to move one twice to cut the grass or maybe move two different ones. Anyway that's what got me interested in snakes as pets. I figured if I'm running up on them all the time right in the yard, why not. One even got on my back porch but before I could catch it, it got behind my hot tub.
That's when I decided to build an enclosure so when I caught it I'd have a good place to keep it. I built the enclosure and actually had my hand on the snake 3 time but never could catch it so I ended up getting a corn snake. I now have 2 by the way, a candy cane and an aztec.
This morning I went down to feed my ducks and when I moved the feeder there was a medium black rat snake under it. I got my trusty glove and picked it up real slow and it seem pretty calm so I figured why not. Brought it up to my kitchen where I had a 10gal aquarium that I was using for feeding my corns and layed him in. added a hide which he doesn't use, water and fed him a couple of rat pinkies.
<IMG SRC="http://home.att.net/~dannycarwile/BlackMagic2.jpg">
1.1 Corns, 0.0.1 W/C Black Rat snake, 0.0.1 W/C Rough Green snake, 1.5 Pekin Ducks, 0.1 GSD