I had problems with overfeeding my little girl. Because she lived in a museum for awhile, no one knew when she had eaten and she ended up being overstuffed. Scorpions don't need to eat every day, just like spiders. If you can see their stomach between the ribbing on their thorax, they are too fat. I wish I could see a pic of your guys. You can tell obesity just by looking at them. Also, if they're kinda squishy and round on the sides, that's another indication.
Imperators can deal with a feeding every second to fourth day, depending on age (more often when younger, of course). Full grown, as you know, are about nine inches in length.
Another thing to keep in mind. A scorpion doesn't know when to stop eating. If it's offered food, it will take it, no matter what. Worst case scenario is the stomach rupturing, and the thing dying. Which is why I banned people from feeding mine!
Hope this is helpful!