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Old 06-19-05, 10:25 PM   #1
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Breeder warning!!

Please go read this. this is important.

Thank you,

0.1 High Yellow Leopard Gecko; 1.0 Pink Snow Corn Snake ; 1.2 Super hypo tangerine carrot-tail Leopard Gecko ; 1.1 Butter Motley Corn Snake ; 1.2 Blizzard Leopard Gecko
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Old 06-20-05, 12:57 AM   #2
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Wow dude thats horrible. IF someone ever tried pulling a stunt like that with me they had better hope to never see me again.

Is he suppossed to be a reputable breeder?

What a crook, that pic he sent you looks nothing like what he actually sold you.

If I were you I would confront him in person if you can.


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Old 06-20-05, 03:05 AM   #3
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A smack in the head isn't enough for that dude. Hopefully they will all do well for you though. Good Luck!
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Old 06-20-05, 04:09 AM   #4
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thats aweful, not just that he screwd you over like that but let those poor beautiful geckos waste away like that. when i worked at the pet store people would drop off leos that looked exactly like that and sometimes much worse, it takes a while but we'd get them better looking and sellable. its really sad though, i hope you can get them healthy again. and hopefully word will spread about this guy and he'll go out of business!
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Old 06-20-05, 07:24 AM   #5
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galad, he lives too far away for me to go talk to him.

One of them pooped last night so i'll be taking the sample to a vet today to have it checked for worms or other internal parasites.
0.1 High Yellow Leopard Gecko; 1.0 Pink Snow Corn Snake ; 1.2 Super hypo tangerine carrot-tail Leopard Gecko ; 1.1 Butter Motley Corn Snake ; 1.2 Blizzard Leopard Gecko
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Old 06-20-05, 11:36 AM   #6
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wow, thats a big difference from the yellow patternless nice fat male in the picture... I wonder where that one is now?

Its great you getting the gecko checked out and I am sure tehy appriciate the good care now!
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Old 06-20-05, 06:20 PM   #7
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That is wrong wrong wrong oh and by the way wrong.......I have not had to deal with him for trades or sales but that is wrong man. I have one question tho why did you not open the box and see them before you moved from the table, because then you would have proof that they are the ones that he sold you(not that i dont believe you)but some (****)would say that they are not the ones and now you are s@@@@.Have you talked to him about this yet and is he going to make good on the deal?.Thats just wrong man. I hope i never have to deal with that type of people. good luck and i hope you get your money back or the right lizards.

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Old 06-20-05, 11:19 PM   #8
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lizlady, it wasn't at his table... he didn't have a table. he dropped it off at simon fungs' table and told him to give it to me... I also have my friend Repti who made the trip with me that saw simon give me the box...
0.1 High Yellow Leopard Gecko; 1.0 Pink Snow Corn Snake ; 1.2 Super hypo tangerine carrot-tail Leopard Gecko ; 1.1 Butter Motley Corn Snake ; 1.2 Blizzard Leopard Gecko
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