Thank you!
Since they are not CITES listed all that would be required is an inspection of the animals and paperwork signed by the officials. I believe it costs in the vicinity of $50 to have the animals inspected upon importation. Donnie and I have been considering making the drive if we could get enough interest. We wouldn't do it for a pair, but we would do it if we could get two entire clutches spoken for.
We would need someone trustworthy in Toronto that could possibly meet us in London to take the snakes and distribute them to all who have paid for them.
It would be a great undertaking, and not possible until next year. Good news is: we may be acquiring another adult pair so unrelated pairs could be sold. This pair will be an 'indefinite breeding loan' so naturally the owners would get first dibs on all offspring.
I would like nothing more than to see some CBB specimens up there for everyone who wants them.