Ida told him a story about me and my bro running around shooting farm animals, didnt mater what, but we especially like to get dogs and cats..........insert grotesque dipiction of slaughter here..............and how we then just run around shootin up whatever.
Watch his face. If he gets this OMG look on his face tell him you didnt enjoy his story either, and that you would greatly appreciate it if he finished the day with his bloodline. People like him are why people like us (hunters, fishers and herp people) have a hard time finding residence, buying firearms, and the general movement of either sport. I am a hunter and a fisher, I eat what game I harvest, and I only shoot to kill what I intend to harvest, When I fish it is usually CAR and if we do keep it is usually at a farm pond or something, but all kills are eaten, and no life wasted.
I got a bunch of snakes and a bunch of guns