Id say it looks like it lacks most black pigment and all yellow pigment... but still definitly a RES
P.S> thats my turtle, It gets a 9.0 UVB bulb in the winter and a goot 6 hours in the sun, in the summer (under supervision) Its about 8 years old and is a lot less colourless than the other two turtles I have, one the same age, and one older (I have a much younger one too).
1.2 Trachea Sripta Elgans, 2.1 Python Regius, 1.0 Elaphe Guttata, 0.1 Pituphis Cateniferus, 1.1 Chameleo Calyptratus, 1.1 Eryx Conicus
Last edited by Diverdude1234; 04-04-05 at 07:34 PM..