Feeding Question
Ok we just got a hatchling savannah monitor it is only about 4 weeks old, and he doesn't seem to eat very much, it's wierd because he ate the first day we got him and the day after that (he ate 10 cr. and then 8 cr.) but now he missed a day where he refused food and now he will not eat very much like 1 or 2 crickets. The crickets I feed him are 1/4 sized crickets, he is housed in a reptile keeper type cage that is 16x10 and is kept at 99 under the basking spot and the other end of the cage is 82 at night the cage drops to 73. I have had other monitors and they were pigs eating everyday as much as I'd give them but I have never had one this small so I just wanna know if it's normal for him to not eat as much?