That is an ideal setup for mantellas. Excellent work. Mantellas do swim, though they *cannot fight current.* With a simple airstone and some moss-filled film canisters on the shore of the water area, they will likely breed with a sizeable enough group. You could easily house 6 painted mantellas in there, as the tank is well planted and seems to have a variety of visual barriers. Just make sure there is plenty for the frogs to clamber upon and get out of the water. Again, the water level in your vivarium is fine, just make sure there is *no current* at that depth. And as others have said, fungus is an entirely natural part of a healthy vivarium. With mantellas, you have no need to worry about humidity related fungal infections. Frogs that are more prone to these are generally Hylids as well as other frogs that require far more ventilation than necessary for a mantella or dart.
Good luck
"If there's a bustle in your hedgerow, don't be alarmed now. It's just a spring clean for the May-queen."
-Led Zeppelin