Love Bites!
I just picked up my new female Soloman Island ground boa from the airport last night and as soon as I took her out she was so happy to meet me that she decided to give me a big love bite. I'm told she's very docile, but I'm not buying it just yet! LOL
1.4 Surinam(e) Bcc, 7.17 Ball Pythons, 2.6 Solomon Island Ground Boas, 2.2 Cornsnakes, 1.1 Colombian Bci, 1.2 Veiled Chameleons, 0.1 Uroplatus Sikorae, & lots of other creatures!!!
"Nevermind tomorrow, I'm not promised today"-innocent bystander :medtoothy
Last edited by HumphreyBoagart; 03-20-05 at 07:01 PM..