haha, Mykee.
Fedupon, the way it works with crocodiles is that there is a band of temperature (around 81.6C for saltwater crocodiles, I believe) at which the hatchlings will be mostly male. Above or below this temperature you get mostly females. Too far above or below this temperature and your eggs die, of course.
Unfortunately for you, reptiles are a mixed lot of animals that aren't necessarily closely related. Kingsnakes and ratsnakes are squamates, the group that contains both lizards and snakes. Crocodiles, on the other hand, have descended from archosaurs, which means they are more closely related to dinosaurs and birds than to kingsnakes or ratsnakes. Trying to figure out whether or not your ratsnakes or kingsnakes can be incubated to produce one sex by looking at crocodilian incubation temperatures would unfortunately be as accurate as basing your crocodile's diet on what you feed your chickens. They're vaguely related but entirely different animals.
However, some squamates (certain lizards in particular) are known to have temperature influenced sex determination.
So, in answer to your general reptile question of 'does temperature influence sex?' the answer is pretty much as Mykee gave it.