Reptile Relocation
Saw a reply in one of the forums but i cant find it now.It was about eastern massassugas being moved 300 yard and dieing need more info please ive been workung with 30 Western diamound back rattlers broke dn in to 3 grps of 5 females and 5males 1st grp was from the den located on the land we are useing the others grp are rescued from rattles snake round up in 2 state ok and tex this the 3 yr tracking and we lost 8 snakes
all from different grp 1 was reovred as a dor 1.4 miles from den
males seem to travel farther than females most female founfd within 1000 yrd from den aera maleshave been tracked as far as 2,2 mi from den
thats why i like to see info on the 300 yrs