My original male I picked up was kind of a rescue. He had many sheds stuck along his neck and was infested with mites. It took about 3 sheds for him to go back to normal.
I would stay away from a wet/damp pillow case because wet fabric doesn't breathe well and could suffocate it. I can't remember Shad0w, is it in a custom enclosure, rubber maid or tank?
What I would do is go to Walmart or a store like that. They have these clear tall sterelite containers with blue lids that latch shut and have a handle on top. (They arn't that big) Drill/burn some holes in it. Put a branch or something that the Amazon can climb on, as well as a half inch of water on the bottom( no substrate) I will also spray down the container as well to increase humidity right away.
He should lose his stuck shed with in a few hours!
This extra container is used for transport or a holding cage while im cleaning, so it isn't a one time waste of $.
Hope this helps. This is what has worked well for me in the past.
Jon Dona