A couple of things:
First, since I don't see any valid reason for holding the snake, you should know that Northern Watersnakes (Nerodia sipedon sipedon) are specially protected reptiles (1997, c. 41, Sched. 9. Fish and Wildlife Act) and capture and harassment are prohibited.
Second, I wouldn't recommend holding any snake by its tail (especially a heavy-bodied watersnake) as doing so may risk injury to the snake, or at least be quite uncomfortable.
This is merely intended to be a friendly FYI as most people aren't aware of the regulations, though ignorance won't get you out of a fine.
Kind regards,
Edit: I received an e-mail from Tyler a few minutes ago explaining why the photo was removed. He took the time to politely explain that he was relocating the snake from certain death (a shovel-wielding neighbour). I respect Tyler's actions and by no means do I believe he had any intent to harm or harass the animal. The topic of harassment and how it is applied in the act has been discussed ad nauseam in previous posts so I won't elaborate. I'm glad that this thread came about though, as most people wouldn't know that handling these snakes is prohibited. I'll take this opportunity to post the entire specially protected reptiles and amphibians list:
Common Name
Racer, Blue
Rattlesnake, Eastern Massasauga
Skink, Five-lined
Snake, Black Rat
Snake, Butler's Garter
Snake, Eastern Fox
Snake, Eastern Hognose
Snake, Eastern Smooth Green
Snake, Lake Erie Water
Snake, Milk
Snake, Northern Water
Snake, Queen
Softshell, Eastern Spiny
Turtle, Blanding's
Turtle, Map
Turtle, Midland Painted
Turtle, Musk
Turtle, Spotted
Turtle, Western Painted
Turtle, Wood
1997, c. 41, Sched. 9.
Common Name
Frog, Blanchard's Cricket
Salamander, Blue-spotted
Salamander, Eastern Tiger
Salamander, Four-toed
Salamander, Jefferson
Salamander, Northern Dusky
Salamander, Redback
Salamander, Smallmouth
Salamander, Spotted
Salamander, Two-lined
Toad, Fowler's
Treefrog, Gray
1997, c. 41, Sched. 10.
Last edited by Removed_2815; 03-06-05 at 09:48 PM..