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Old 03-01-05, 01:43 PM   #1
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Snakes on Fear Factor

Hi all

I was wondering what your opinion about how the show Fear Factor has been using snakes on their show. I am not sure to think about the issue in general and would like to hear what you think.

Last night they had what looked like some tree boas in a cage and the participants had to stick there hand in to get a key or something. The snakes were striking at the hands.

They also had ball pythons on in the past where they were in with the partipants.

I am not sure if the animals get injured in these stunts, or even if the show producers care.


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Old 03-01-05, 01:48 PM   #2
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I know there is an organization that monitors the use of animals for TV and movies, etc. Not sure if its an SPCA or what. If there were dangerous situations, would they not step in to stop it?

Mind you, they have them eating things, so I guess not.

I saw last nights episode. I can't say that I would've been excited to stick my hand in those boxes. It seemed stressful for the snakes, to say the least.
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Old 03-01-05, 01:51 PM   #3
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I was watching it too. I believe they were ATBs.
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Old 03-01-05, 02:00 PM   #4
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I aw it too. LOL I kindof felt bad for the worms.
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Old 03-01-05, 02:11 PM   #5
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Fear Factor & shows like it have little or no respect for the lives of animals. They constantly put the animals thru high stress situations & the things they have done with snakes in the past have definitely caused the snakes physical harm etc. Its all about $ & ratings. Basically FF Sucks Nuff Said! Mark
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Old 03-01-05, 06:11 PM   #6
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I can't stand shows like that period, the most sicking episode I saw was with the big tank of snakes in water and they had to swim in it and collect stuff at the bottom or something like that anyways the snakes were basically swimming for thier life for a good 20-30 mins with nothing to grip onto but the swimmers ( which freaked) and thier were a ton at the bottom , or the time they threw albino corns across the room into a bucket. Besides the fact they have no regard for the animals welfare they promote fear of animals which really dosen't help our hobby or wild populations. I also find it odd an animal group wouldn't step in but i guess as long as they don't start chucking puppies around or blending cats alive and eating them none of those groups care.
Kayla Young
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Old 03-01-05, 07:42 PM   #7
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I saw that episode where they threw all the snakes in that huge tank of water, that was totaly ridiculous! i can guarantee that water wasn't warm either, just shows how low people can go for ratings a money. I never saw the one where they were throwing corns...that would have gotten me pretty angry.
..Soo...this is life...wasn't what i expected but who am I to complain?
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Old 03-01-05, 07:59 PM   #8
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I saw the one last night, it pissed me off enough, I'm glad I didn't see the corn toss.
A while back there was a post about this.
Do a search (on here) and type in "Savethesnakes1" and go to his website and there is an email link to Fear factor. I strongly urge everyone to write them and voice they're opinions on the matter.
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Old 03-01-05, 08:05 PM   #9
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That show has absolutly no compasion for any animals,theyare always mixing species that should not be mixed and put all of them through highly stressful situations.I remember them pouring 100's of Rose Hair Tarantulas on top of people and everyone knows that they can not be housed together and will kill eachother,I have seen them pouring multiple snakes on people,and the snakes were just all pilled ontop of each other in a rubbermaid ,they had everything from ratsnakes ,cornsnakes,kingsnakes,milksnakes,boas and pythons all shoved into small rubbermaids together.I guess the lives of the animals do not matter obiviously they are nothing to them but rating points.To top it off the guy who is on that show is a real a**hole always hates on all the guys and is always nice to the woman ,must be his pathetic attemp to getting laid.Everytime I hear him talk I fell like B*tch slaping him.

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Old 03-01-05, 08:35 PM   #10
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i'm not sure if it's true but I remember someone saying that the guy who hosts the show owns some of those snakes and alot come from his collections:S if thats the case I'd be horrified to see how he keeps them.
Kayla Young
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Old 03-01-05, 08:58 PM   #11
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ahaha yea true....anywasy i think it's wrong how they do that..are you sure they threw corns...that would be really messed's true how joe always hits on the girls..hes WACK!....Connor
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Old 03-01-05, 09:36 PM   #12
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ya it was aired two years ago, they had to sort through a bucket of corns and maybe a few other snakes find the "white ones" and throw them into a bucket across them room, you can probably find it in the archives somewhere I remember alot of people were upset and alot of people wrote letters( including me) but nothing seemed to change.
It be intresting to get the human societys view on this don't tv shows that use animals have to have a representitive from thier anyways?
Kayla Young
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Old 03-02-05, 12:30 AM   #13
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I remember an episode a while back where contestants needed to drag a croc or alligaot backwards through a pipe(the kind that is used to ditches on the side of the road). I think these shows have very little respect for animals
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Old 03-02-05, 01:43 AM   #14
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NO KIDDING!!!! i hate that F*cking SHOW~! They had to suck goat teats and then spit the milk out to be measered! now that is sick. and then theres the eating of the bugs. some of whom i would love to have and love. there was one where they had to get REAL already dead skunks in a dark sewer. all i could think was where do they find 15 dead skunks. then there was the time they but tons of rats on people laying down. the rats where stressed, injured, and treated like non living objects. they also ate various animal *****' and one was a plate of snakes, but snakes have hemi *****!!! they were these long stips which looked like they belonged to a cat. but the one that made me so P*SSED is when they had to be in a "chamber" and it has filled with snakes, mutilpe species of spider and rats at the legs.

The studios can get away with it because people like to watch it. a show gets cancelled only if there is less than 4 million viewers. My sister loves it and she gets so mad when i b*tch at her abut watching it. thats my little rant about it
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Old 03-02-05, 08:51 AM   #15
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One thing I find funny is that the people freak out LIke the one with the 3 seperate chambers. But I watched a behind the scenes on VH1 and even after they give up it takes them like 30 minutes to remove allof the animals carefully. Which is wierd since they just dump them in not carefully at all.
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