Need Help Figuring What Ill Need
i am getting to understand why ppl have so many reptiles.....they are so addicting
so with alot of thought and reading i am thinking of getting a mali/ornate uromastyx and 1 or 2 tokay geckos
so im starting to build tanks for them and wondering if
for tokays L 19 1/2 inchesx W 16 1/2 inchesx 18 1/2 inches would be big enuff for 2 tokays?
and do they just need a heatlight white for day and red for nite to provide enuff heat? or do they need a UTH for additional heat?
for mali/ornate is L 37.5 inchesx W 15 inchesx H 18.5 inches....large enuff?
and they need a UV light and basking light with a UTH?
just making sure i got it all correct
and if anyone can give me some good brand names of lights or the lights or UTH u find best plz lemme know
ty =)