ZooMed ReptiTemp 500R Thurmastat
Well you live and learn. I was warned about these thurmostats but figured it would be better than the Eclipse water bed heater control I was using on my first enclosure. I already had 2 on order anyway. I was using one on the 5gal feeding aquarium with a heat lamp connected to it this morning and when I turned it on something clicked on the thurmostat and the light went out. I checked the bulb and it was shot. Replaced the bulb and the light still wouldn't come on so I guess the thurmostat is shot. I've only had them about 2 months so I would definitely say stay away from these.
I ordered 2 Electronic BAH Series Thermostats from www.bigappleherp.com this morning. Don't know if they will be any better but the deal I got on f/t rat pinks was half what I was paying for mouse fuzzies here in Lynchburg, VA so I figured I'd give them a try.
1.1 Corns, 0.0.1 W/C Black Rat snake, 0.0.1 W/C Rough Green snake, 1.5 Pekin Ducks, 0.1 GSD