` Baby Yellow Anacondas who are aggressive often will calm with the right husbandry.
` A water container, just large enough to get into, they like it cramped, over a warm spot in the floor, 77 to 84 degrees water temperature. Soaking water isn't absolutely necessary to their health, but soaking makes them feel invisible, and secure, and can help cure an aggressive baby. Change water daily, even if it looks clean! Flat newspaper ( black and white ) with lots of crumpled, and balled newspaper on top of it, so he can make his own hides. Keep traffic around cage at a minimum.
` Regular, 12 on 12 off, photoperiod.
` Put a shirt that you've worn for a day in with him, change it every couple of days. Let him live with your scent.
` Watch his lung action. Hyperventilation for long periods of time means stress is accumulating. When he starts to calm, his breathing will slow, and eventually may not speed up when you approach him. When they work out, they do breathe heavily, but will slow down when still, and not stressed.
` Be patient with him. The problem with him is that he is terrified. Don't worry about feeding. The Anaconda pictured could go months without feeding, then begin feeding with no health problems.
` Gloves will be counter-productive. Not a good idea at all. When he bites, just hold perfectly still. Wait for him to release. You can tell a lot about your individual snake by how he bites. Letting every one else's snake doesn't do you any good, but letting this one bite you may help solve the problem. Teeth are less likely to get imbedded if you hold still. Hell, he's just a little worm. lol Good luck!