That's a good thing that she doesn't hiss or bite. Yes that's a normal position. She is perfect age for breeding, she's still young. They can and will live for 20 or 30 years with proper husbandry. Good luck with the breeding. If I were you, I'd do a ton of research first before you just jump into breeding her. She'll have a whack of babies, and they are alot of work.
Best of Luck
1.4 Surinam(e) Bcc, 7.17 Ball Pythons, 2.6 Solomon Island Ground Boas, 2.2 Cornsnakes, 1.1 Colombian Bci, 1.2 Veiled Chameleons, 0.1 Uroplatus Sikorae, & lots of other creatures!!!
"Nevermind tomorrow, I'm not promised today"-innocent bystander :medtoothy