The light bulbs I use are 15 watt bulbs and they are used in conjunction with a dimming thermostat, so even at 15 watts they are rarely on at full capacity unless I open the door and let cool air in.
Also, I have 'separator' shelves between the light bulbs and the egg boxes - essentially a pvc sheet with many small holes drilled in. The pvc absorbs most of the heat and radiates it fairly evenly.
The downside to using light bulbs, of course, is that they take up more room than heat tape. I am sure that with a bit of reworking, I could probably get an extra egg shelf in there by replacing the bulbs with heat tape. The upside is that they are very inexpensive, last forever (if used in conjunction with a dimming thermostat, that is - I'm still using the same four cheap bulbs I first put in that incubator over two years ago) and you can tell when they aren't working as they cease to produce light.
As for fans, I can't use a fan with a dimming thermostat so I have to go without. This means that the upper shelf is 1C warmer than the lower shelf, causing clutches to hatch 30-40 days earlier on the upper shelf. If I get two clutches and put the later clutch on the upper shelf, I can get both clutches to hatch at almost the same time. This year I screwed that up by getting three clutches, so two will hatch at close to the same time but one clutch will be on its own. One of those has just hatched a week ago: