Incubatior Question: Size
Hello fellow Incubator builders...
I have been looking into building my own incubator sometime soon, and am planning on a "display" type refridgerator with glass doors, so that I would need to open the door less to check on the eggs.
My original intention was to find a mini fridge to remodel, but so far the only option that I have found is a larger model. The measurements of the base are approx 28"x28" and the unit stands between 5-6' tall.
This would be great as it could hold quite a few eggs, but I am concerned that such a vertical gradient could cause problems keeping temps consistent. I'd like to be able to incubate chondro eggs if the situation arose!
I plan on using flexwatt and a proportional thermostat. Would I need to install a fan into something of this height?
I would really appreciate some input before I decide to take this large refridgerator in (PS, it's nice looking, a Dr Pepper one!) and begin modification.