Every now and then I see someone trying to sell a native Ontario species in Ontario. Under the Fish and Wildlife Conservation Act, 1997 this is not legal and is something that bothers me more than a little.
That said, I don’t have the heart though to report a herp enthusiast who could well be ignorant of the law and under the belief that they are legally selling a legally procured animal. This is simply not the case,
it is illegal in Ontario to keep or sell any protected species regardless of the origin of the animal (CB, WC, American or what ever else).
It is important to enforce this law because without it our native animals would be subject to exploitation and populations could be depleted. This is simply not acceptable. So, not wanting to cause anyone too much trouble, I've decided to create this post with the hopes of dispelling any ignorance and limiting the abuse of our native species.
From Fish and Wildlife Conservation Act, 1997 (http://www.e-laws.gov.on.ca/DBLaws/S...sh/97f41_e.htm)
40. (1) A person shall not keep live game wildlife or live specially protected wildlife in captivity except under the authority of a licence and in accordance with the regulations. 1997, c. 41, s. 40 (1).
Specially protected wildlife includes the black ratsnake, a species which is occasionally (and currently on this site) offered for sale in Ontario.
The following reptiles are specially protected in Ontario.
Blue Racer, Eastern Massasauga Rattlesnake, Five-lined Skink, Black Rat Snake, Butler's Garter Snake, Eastern Fox Snake, Eastern Hognose Snake, Eastern Smooth Green Snake, Lake Erie Water Snake, Eastern Milk Snake, Northern Water Snake, Queen Snake, Eastern Spiny Softshell, Blanding's Turtle, Common Map Turtle, Midland Painted Turtle, Common Musk Turtle, Spotted Turtle, Western Painted Turtle, Wood Turtle.
The following amphibians are specially protected in Ontario.
Blanchard's Cricket Frog, Blue-spotted Salamander, Eastern Tiger Salamander, Four-toed Salamander, Jefferson Salamander, Northern Dusky Salamander, Redback Salamander, Smallmouth Salamander, Spotted Salamander, Two-lined Salamander, Fowler's Toad, Gray Treefrog.
A complete account of the legislation can be found here:
Thanks for reading.