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Old 01-21-05, 06:20 PM   #1
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Anyone know how to build a hibernaculum?

I was curious if anyone has any advice on how I could build a hibernaculum for the fast declining snakes up at my cottage. years ago the area was packed with milks,water snakes, fox snakes and we even found an adult black rat once but this year after expanding our search area by almost 200 square feet and rentless weekends searching and searching we only found one dead brown snake on the side of the road.

I was hoping that by giving a few very small herp educational talks so that the people in the area will stop killing snakes for no reason ( 2 years ago while field herping we saw a guy swerve to purposely hit an adult garter, it's ridicuolous) and building some well placed hibernaculums around the area I could help bring back some of the snakes aroung here. Also if anyone would like to help us this summer, from donating wood, to placing the actual boxes or even helping out with the shows ( could use some garters,fox snakes and other native speices if anyone has the permits for them) If it goes well I'd like to expand the educational shows and do them all sumemr throughout orrillia,barrie and the surrounding areas, so the more help I could get would be welcome.

I'm not expecting to make much of a difference but I'm sick of watching as every year all the snakes that make going up north worth the while dissapear.

If your intrested in helping or have any tips on how to make the hibernaculums and where to place them please respond to this topic or e-mail me at
Thank you
Kayla Young
1.2 Corns, 0.1 Ball python, 0.1.2 crested gecko's and 0.0.1 Bearded dragon
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Old 01-22-05, 12:34 AM   #2
JD@reptiles's Avatar
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Jeff Hathaway may be able to help you out with that one. i think i remember how, but just incase you should give him an Email.

Jordan David M.

"I Don't Get Mad, I Get Even!"
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