Boa breeding basics
Okay, now that I have seen what can happen when a clutch goes wrong, where can I get information about how to help one go right? I have a number of books on Boas, ie The Boa Constricor Manuel is one, and the chapter on breeding is very good, but I can't find any information about when they normally breed in captivity? For the people out there who cycle their boas, when do you start? I live on the West Coast of Canada, so we have a very temperate climate, and not much of a cold winter. Does this affect the breeding?
I find this loss of the first clutch upsetting, but educational. I hope that doesn't sound awful to people, but I know now that I was unprepared for this clutch, and should not have put Jake and Honey together without more preparation ahead of time. Building a rubbermaid box for the babies at 10 at night is not a lot of fun. I feel on one hand that I would like to try again in a year or so, and on the other, I am nervous and don't want to risk the mother or babies. Any suggestions or input from people that have had similar experiences would be nice. The knowldege that is available to us from others on this site is great and I want to say thanks to everyone for their support and advice
I'm right. You're wrong. Get over it.