Well, I am finally back from the Rattlesnake Symposium in Loma Linda, CA. It was amazing. We got to meet such great people as Dr. Sean Bush, Findlay Russell, Carl Ernst, Joseph Gennaro, Robert Stebbins, Henry Fitch, Daniel Beck, William Hayes, and the Venom One team, among countless others. I am too tired right now for a really long post, so how about some photos.
Dr. Sean Bush from Venom E.R.
Capt Al Cruz and Lt Ernie Jillson from the Venom 1 unit of the Miami Antivenom Bank.
I was very pleased that Karl Betz, VP of the SHHS was able to make it up for a day.
Robert Stebbins, author of Petersons Field Guide to Western Reptiles and Amphibians.
I did get to hang out with JD Reptiles quite a bit and do some herping. I am sure he will post pics soon. I have a few I need to email to him.
There was also a very impressive venomous display.
Ridge Nosed Rattlesnake (Crotalus willardi willardi)
Mexican Lancehead Rattlesnake (Crotalus polystictus)
Santa Catalina Island Rattlesnake (Crotalus catalinensis) - This the species of rattlesnake with NO RATTLES
Xanthic Northwestern Neotropical Rattlesnake(Crotalus durissus culminatus)
Red Diamond Rattlensnake (Crotalus ruber)
Mojave Rattlesnake (Crotalus scutulatus)
And of course, a spectacular view!
I did to go out and do a bit of herping. I'll post those later. All-in-all, an AMAZING trip!